Phones: 1-800-288-8898 (U.S. Only), 1-609-896-1921 (local and outside the U.S.) |
Welcome to the Highlands Insurance Company Rehabilitation Website
This website has been developed
for the benefit of policyholders, claimants and
parties in interest of Highlands Insurance Company or
its related affiliates. The
of this website is to provide information regarding the Special Deputy Receiver’s
rehabilitation plan and the receivership’s claim filing instructions.
It is the visitor's responsibility
to verify any information contained on this website.
Please read the following as it may impact your legal rights:
On October 29, 2020, the Order Granting the SDR's Application to Approve Transfer of Workers' Compensation Policies was approved (click here to view the order).
The transfer of the Workers' Compensation Policies was effective December 1, 2020. Any questions regarding this transfer or questions regarding any claims under these transferred policies should be directed as outlined below:
WC Claim:
Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc.
All States, Other than California:
PO Box 14490
Lexington, KY 40512-4490
Telephone: 877-925-5580
WC Policy Inquiries:
Westport Insurance Corporation
1200 Main St., Ste 800
Kansas City, MO 64105
Telephone: 1-800-255-6931
WC Retrospective Rating and Deductible Program:
June Loudon | RLM Senior Retro Adjuster | Assistant Vice President | ILS &
Retro Business Mgmt. | Property & Casualty Business Mgmt.
Swiss Re America Holding Corporation | One Kansas City Place, 1200 Main
Street, Suite 800, Kansas City, MO 64105, United States (USA)
Direct: +1 816 702 3288 Email: June_Loudon@swissre.com
On June 6, 2008, the Order
Approving Second Amended Plan of Rehabilitation was entered. The Second Amended Plan of Rehabilitation along
with the Order are available in the “Download Docs.” area of this website. All claimants and
parties in interest are bound by the terms of the plan.
The Plan is now effective. You may read
or download a copy of the complete plan by clicking on the "Download Docs." button on the left.
All claimants who have a claim against the Highlands receivership
estate must file a proof of claim (“POC”) prior to the claims filing deadline for
any claim, or any portion of a claim.
An insured under an occurrence policy or surety instrument is allowed to file a
POC for protection under these instruments. The POC and its instructions can be
downloaded from this website.
- The General Claims Bar Date expired on March 30, 2007. Anyone who has a claim
that did not file a proof of claim by that date may file a late proof of claim. This late filed proof of claim will be entitled to classification
at a level of priority that is not currently being paid. Up until March 31, 2009,
should you wish to establish to the satisfaction of the SDR that you did not know
of the General Claims Bar Date and filed your late proof of claim within 90 days
of first learning of the General Claims Bar Date, please contact Highlands in Receivership
by sending an email to mpblevins@primetempus.com
The frequently asked questions section (FAQs) contains answers to the most common
inquiries regarding the rehabilitation plan and claims filing procedures.
Should you need additional information, please feel free to contact us at
the telephone number listed above.
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